To search for Eligible Training Providers click the link below then click on the “Training Provider” link located under the “General Resources and Services” section located on the lower-right side of the page.
Eligible Training Provider (ETP) is a state-approved training provider qualified to receive WIOA Title I-B funds to train adults and dislocated workers, including those with disabilities. An ETP is the only type of entity that can receive funding for training services through an ITA. ETPs can be:
- Post-secondary education institutions
- Registered Apprenticeship programs
- Other public or private providers of training, which may include joint labor-management organizations and eligible providers of adult education and literacy activities under Title II if such activities are provided in combination with occupational skills training
- Local Boards, if they meet the conditions of WIOA sec 107(g)(1)
- Community Based Organizations or private organizations of demonstrated effectiveness that provide training under contract with the Local Board.
Eligible Training Provider and Programs List (ETPL) is a list of state approved ETPs and their state approved training programs. The ETPL is administered by the WIOA Title I Administrator in partnership with the Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs). This list is located on the Virginia Workforce Connection. A program of training services is one or more courses or classes, or a structured regimen that leads to a recognized post-secondary credential, secondary school diploma, or its equivalent, employment, or measurable skill towards such a credential or employment. These training services may be delivered in person, on-line, or in a blended approach.