What is Apprenticeship?
Apprenticeship is a form of “on-the-job training” that combines paid work experience with classroom instruction. Apprentices learn new skills through their employer while also receiving classroom instruction. At the end of the apprenticeship, the apprentice usually receives an industry-recognized credential. Formal apprenticeship programs usually last a few years, depending on the employer or occupation. Some can be completed in a matter of months.
Many apprenticeships take place as a “Registered Apprenticeship.” Registered apprenticeships are formally approved by a state’s apprenticeship agency. Registration ensures the apprenticeship meets certain criteria to protect apprentices (such as a wage progression) and to maintain quality.
Through a Registered Apprenticeship program workers can obtain paid, relevant workplace experience while acquiring the skills and credentials that employer’s value. 90% of apprentices who complete an apprenticeship retain employment, with an average annual salary of $80,000.
How does Apprenticeship work in Virginia?
The Virginia Department of Workforce Development and Advancement is the state apprenticeship agency responsible for registering apprentices according to national standards. Under the banner of Virginia Works, the agency partners with numerous regional training providers to facilitate an efficient registration process, customize apprenticeship training that complements a company’s specific training and development strategy, and source financial incentives when available.

To learn more and get started, contact:
Pedro Ortiz
Registered Apprenticeship Consultant
Virginia Department of Workforce Development and Advancement
3125 Odd Fellows Road
Lynchburg, VA 24501
Phone: 804-221-6420
Email: pedro.ortiz@virginiaworks.gov
Traci Blido
Executive Director
Central Virginia Workforce Development Board
828 Main Street; 12th Floor
Lynchburg, VA 24504
Phone: 434-818-7612
Email: traci.blido@vcwcentral.com